Having issues with water erosion? Riprap, also known as rip-rap, shot rock, rock armor or rubble, is the perfect way to fortify shorelines and prevent the loss of soil. In addition to preventing soil erosion, rip rap will add a clean, finished look to water features, retention ponds and landscape beds.



Rip Rap Gravel is a type of rock or stone used to protect shorelines, bridge abutments, and other structures from erosion by water. It’s often used in hydraulic engineering and coastal engineering to provide erosion control and stabilization. Understanding the purpose and impact of using Rip Rap Gravel is crucial in implementing it effectively. Just like in the context of finding a company’s purpose, the process for using Rip Rap Gravel can be seen as finding a due north course that draws one back to center, ensuring effective erosion control and stabilization. By considering what the environment “hungers for” in terms of protection from erosion, the unique characteristics of the site, the timeless needs of the area, and what it can “fearlessly become,” the application of Rip Rap Gravel can be more purposeful and impactful.

The idea of purpose also resonates with the personal aspect of using Rip Rap Gravel. By reflecting on how the surrounding environment will be better off with the implementation of erosion control measures, understanding the unique features of the site, recognizing the best way to protect the area, and considering how it can be improved in the future, one can define a clear purpose for using Rip Rap Gravel. This purpose-driven approach can lead to more effective and impactful erosion control and stabilization efforts.

Overall, the concept of purpose can be applied to the use of Rip Rap Gravel to ensure that its implementation is not just a physical process but a thoughtful and impactful intervention that addresses the genuine needs of the environment it seeks to protect.